服务范围: 规划及建筑设计
“四片”分为“康.居.”,“商.居.”, “静 . 居 .”和“学 . 居 .”四片。 “康 . 居 .”以健康为主题,西侧紧邻三甲医院,北靠团山风景,其内部配套老年服务点,包括老年日常医疗点,日常护理点,老年食堂等服务设施。
“商 . 居 .”内包括服务周边的商业步行街,串联度假型号酒店、老年服务中心、商业街、商业广场、老年活动中心、市民广场。将形成丰富的生活与活动氛围与空间。 “静 . 居 .”坐落黑山脚下,风景优美安静宜居,是度假疗养胜地。 “学 . 居 .”内除了老年公寓外,包括幼儿园、小学、中学和老年大学。以祥水河湿地公园水系串联而成,寓趣于学。规划依托一条南北向园区主干道,形成沿街景观大道,景观大道内部设计完备的步行系统,打造活力城市景观。
Project Name:China Elderly Care City Year: 2018
Area: Site area: 56.93ha
GFA: 4295366sqm
Service: Planning and architecture design
Project Introduction:
"One Core" is located in the core area of the central western part, integrating natural landscapes and geographical space, developing resort hotels, elderly service centers, commercial squares, etc. It is a vibrant gathering place in the entire region.
The "Two Axis" guide focuses on the functional and landscape composite development axis in the north, as well as the commercial service functional development axis in the east and west. Each plot within the planning area is closely connected vertically and horizontally.
The "Three Hearts" form three elderly service and activity centers with equivalent service radii in four sectors around the core.
The "Four Zones" are divided into four zones: "Kang, Ju," "Shang, Ju," "Jing, Ju," and "Xue, Ju.". The theme of "Kang Ju" is health, with the west side adjacent to a tertiary hospital and the north adjacent to the scenery of Tuan Mountain. It is equipped with elderly service points, including daily medical and nursing points for the elderly, elderly cafeterias and other service facilities.
"Commercial and residential" includes commercial pedestrian streets serving the surrounding areas, connecting vacation hotels, elderly service centers, commercial streets, commercial squares, elderly activity centers, and citizen squares. It will create a rich atmosphere and space for life and activities. Located at the foot of the Black Mountain, "Jingju" boasts beautiful scenery, tranquility, and livability, making it a popular vacation and recuperation destination. In addition to senior apartments, the "Study and Residence" includes kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools, and senior universities. Formed by connecting the water system of Xiangshui River Wetland Park, it embodies interest in learning. The plan relies on a north-south main road in the park to form a landscape avenue along the street. The interior of the landscape avenue is designed with a complete pedestrian system, creating a vibrant urban landscape